Is Bitcoin Undervalued? See What Our Forecast Model Predicts


In the swiftly evolving world of digital currencies, Bitcoin continues to dominate headlines and investor interest. Since 2022, Bitcoin has dramatically outpaced major traditional assets such as the S&P 500 and gold, both of which have lagged by over 250% in comparative returns. This surge invites a nuanced examination of Bitcoin’s performance, the underlying factors influencing its trajectory, and its future implications. This article delves into Bitcoin’s recent rally, its historical cycles, and future prospects, while offering a reasoned perspective on its evolving relationship with global markets.

Bitcoin, S&P 500 and Gold

Bitcoin’s Historical Performance

Since 2022, Bitcoin has secured an impressive 300% return. While remarkable in the short term, it is essential to contextualize these gains within Bitcoin’s historical performance. Between 2019 and 2021, Bitcoin rewarded investors with a 2,000% return. Projecting similar patterns forward, if Bitcoin were to replicate this bull run, the cryptocurrency could potentially reach a target of $200,000 by March 2025. Further back, from 2016 to 2018, Bitcoin’s astronomical 9,000% return trajectory suggests that under similar market conditions, Bitcoin could escalate to around $750,000 by the same period in 2025.

Bitcoin Rally

Current Market Dynamics and Bitcoin’s Pricing Trajectory

Currently, Bitcoin has undegone a robust 20% rally in just a month, edging close to its all-time high of $72,000. This recent performance raises critical questions about the sustainability of its growth and the potential for a significant pullback similar to that experienced in 2022. At Game of Trades, we closely track and discuss such movements, sharing insights and strategies transparently. Notably, we recently initiated a position in Bitcoin in early May at around $60,000, which is now up by approximately 15%.

Bitcoin Price

Bitcoin’s Correlation with the Stock Market and Why it is Undervalued

Bitcoin shows a marked correlation with the broader stock market. This relationship suggests that Bitcoin’s fortunes are closely tied to the performance of the S&P 500. A thriving stock market typically signals positive moves for Bitcoin and conversely, a struggling market predicts downturns.

Bitcoin and S&P 500

However, this correlation is not flawless. There have been instances, such as in 2021 and 2019, where Bitcoin deviated by declining during periods of stock market gains. But we do not think that is going to be the outcome today, mainly because of our proprietary Bitcoin valuation model.

Bitcoin and S&P 500

Our Bitcoin valuation model incorporates the S&P 500 and the dollar to predict Bitcoin’s fair value, providing us with strategic insights into its price movements. In 2021 and 2019, Bitcoin was extremely overvalued relative to the fair price. This overvaluation coincided with Bitcoin declining, despite the stock market rising. Currently, this model indicates that Bitcoin is undervalued, which could suggest an impending price increase if the stock market continues its upward trajectory.

Bitcoin Model

Economic Cycles and Bitcoin’s Sensitivity

Despite potential for future growth, Bitcoin remains sensitive to broader economic cycles. Our projections indicate the possibility of a recession commencing around September of this year, which could undermine any current gains in Bitcoin’s value. Given that Bitcoin only began trading extensively on exchanges in 2011, its behavior during a significant economic downturn is not yet tested, presenting a lot of uncertainty for investors.

Bitcoin and ISM Manufacting PMI

Bitcoin’s Long-Term Potential

Looking beyond the immediate fluctuations, Bitcoin’s long-term potential appears robust. Its current market capitalization, mirroring that of giants like Meta, underscores its significant economic contribution. More importantly, Bitcoin has enabled millions globally to safeguard their purchasing power against volatile local currencies, showcasing its ability to be a currency debasement hedge.


Navigating Bitcoin’s potential requires understanding both its volatile nature and its capacity for extraordinary returns. As we continue to analyze its relationship with the stock market and anticipate adjustments based on economic indicators, Bitcoin stands out as a powerful asset in the global financial arena. For investors and market enthusiasts seeking in-depth analyses and tactical trading strategies, our platform offers comprehensive resources and updates, guiding you through the intricate world of cryptocurrency investments. Click here to sign up! Subscribe to our YouTube channel and Follow us on Twitter for more updates!

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